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This package is designed to be used only inside the Telegram application. Since non-Telegram environments lack Telegram-specific traits, calling methods such as retrieveLaunchParams or postEvent will lead to errors.

Nevertheless, the package provides utilities that help developers either develop the application outside of Telegram or determine if the current environment is not a Telegram Mini App at all.

Validating Current Environment

To check if the current environment is Telegram Mini Apps, a developer can use the isTMA function. It works in two modes: simple and complete.


In this mode, the function attempts to retrieve launch parameters from the environment.

If the extraction is successful, the environment is considered Telegram Mini Apps. Simple mode is synchronous and returns a boolean value.

import { isTMA } from '@telegram-apps/bridge';

if (isTMA()) {
  // ...

This mode is somewhat superficial but may still be sufficient for most applications. For a more reliable check, use the complete mode.


In this mode, the function calls a Telegram Mini Apps-specific method and waits for a method-specific event to occur.

import { isTMA } from '@telegram-apps/bridge';

if (await isTMA('complete')) {
  console.log('It\'s Telegram Mini Apps');

The function waits for an event for 100 milliseconds and most of the time it is enough, but a developer can change this behavior by passing an object as the second argument with the timeout: number property.

if (await isTMA('complete', { timeout: 50 })) {
  console.log('It\'s Telegram Mini Apps');

Mocking Environment

The package provides the mockTelegramEnv function, which imitates the environment provided by Telegram. It helps developers start building applications even without creating a mini app record in BotFather.

This function optionally accepts an object with two optional properties—launchParams and onEvent.


Launch parameters to use in the mock. It can be presented as a query parameters list (a string or a URLSearchParams instance) described in this article, or launch parameters-like object with the tgWebAppData property missing, or presented as a query parameters list described in this article.


Don't be afraid, this value will be validated, and the package will let you know that something is off.


Function that will be called in case any Mini Apps method was called by your application. It allows a developer to define a custom handling behavior if needed.

The function receives a tuple, containing the method name as the first argument, and its payload as the second one.

As the second argument, it accepts a function that attempts to call the native postEvent function usually defined by the Telegram client. So, the mockTelegramEnv function may be used even inside Telegram Mini Apps environment to intercept all methods' calls and pass them further if needed.


Here is the complete example you may use in your application:

import { mockTelegramEnv, emitEvent } from '@telegram-apps/bridge';

const noInsets = {
  left: 0,
  top: 0,
  bottom: 0,
  right: 0,
} as const;
const themeParams = {
  accent_text_color: '#6ab2f2',
  bg_color: '#17212b',
  button_color: '#5288c1',
  button_text_color: '#ffffff',
  destructive_text_color: '#ec3942',
  header_bg_color: '#17212b',
  hint_color: '#708499',
  link_color: '#6ab3f3',
  secondary_bg_color: '#232e3c',
  section_bg_color: '#17212b',
  section_header_text_color: '#6ab3f3',
  subtitle_text_color: '#708499',
  text_color: '#f5f5f5',
} as const;

  launchParams: {
    tgWebAppThemeParams: themeParams,
    tgWebAppData: new URLSearchParams([
      ['user', JSON.stringify({
        id: 1,
        first_name: 'Pavel',
      ['hash', ''],
      ['signature', ''],
    tgWebAppStartParam: 'debug',
    tgWebAppVersion: '8',
    tgWebAppPlatform: 'tdesktop',
  onEvent(e) {
    if (e[0] === 'web_app_request_theme') {
      return emitEvent('theme_changed', { theme_params: themeParams });
    if (e[0] === 'web_app_request_viewport') {
      return emitEvent('viewport_changed', {
        height: window.innerHeight,
        width: window.innerWidth,
        is_expanded: true,
        is_state_stable: true,
    if (e[0] === 'web_app_request_content_safe_area') {
      return emitEvent('content_safe_area_changed', noInsets);
    if (e[0] === 'web_app_request_safe_area') {
      return emitEvent('safe_area_changed', noInsets);

Released under the MIT License.