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With Mate's fast and reliable hosting, developers can effectively manage static assets for their mini applications. Delivering static files efficiently and securely is vital for optimal performance.

By utilizing a Content Delivery Network (CDN), Mate's hosting boosts reliability and accelerates file loading for users across various regions, surpassing the performance of single-server solutions.

The hosting service is free, though there are some limitations on data transfer.


If you’re currently using a single server for both static file hosting and server-side operations, transitioning to Mate's hosting may require code adjustments. If your app already distinguishes between static and dynamic requests, integration will be much simpler.


Lightning Speed

The crucial feature of Mate's hosting is its well-configured Content Delivery Network spread across the world, in countries where mini applications are commonly used. This feature allows developers to focus on building their applications rather than worrying about how to deliver static assets as quickly as possible.

Version Management System

Another notable hosting feature is the version management system.

Mate allows the creation of up to five deployment tags, enabling developers to deploy the project with a specific tag without affecting previously deployed assets.

Usage Example

A common use case here is when the project has two versions: latest and staging. The developer can use the latest version for production and staging for the Quality Assurance team.

After deploying the staging assets, the QA team checks if this staging state is acceptable. Then, the same assets can be deployed with the latest tag for production.

About Base URL

When deploying static assets, Mate uses the following base URL pattern:


Here’s some information on these parameters for clarification:

  • storage_key: a unique key for the deployed project. This value is non-configurable and is assigned to the project upon creation.
  • tag: a deployment tag. This value is set during the deployment process by the developer. Examples include staging, latest, dev, etc.

Getting Started

Step 1: Register a Project

To start using the hosting functionality, you must register the project and obtain its deployment token. To get the token, go to @tma_mate_bot and press the Start button to begin the conversation with the bot.

Next, press the Create a Project button and enter the title of the project to be created, following the specified rules.

After this step, the bot will return the created project information, including the deployment token.

Step 2: Update the Static Assets Base URL

Before deploying the project, ensure that all static assets have a valid base URL. You can learn more about how Mate generates the static assets base URL here.

To retrieve the project deployment information using a specific tag, use the following command:

mate deploy info \
  --token {DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN} \
  --project {PROJECT_ID} \
  --tag {TAG}

Here, the DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN and PROJECT_ID values refer to the deployment token and project identifier received from the previous step. TAG is a deployment version tag name.

Output example:

✔ Fetched deploy information for paper-planes (id 48) project
Project Title: paper-planes
Short title of the project
Base Path (using tag "staging"):
This path will be used as a base path for the uploaded assets associated with this project. 
Consider using this value as a base path in your bundler. You can also use different tags using the --tag option.
Allowed file extensions: html, css, js, cjs, mjs, png, jpg, jpeg, webp, ttf, woff, woff2, eot, json, ico
Files extensions that are allowed to be uploaded.
Maximum size: 10485760 bytes
Maximum upload size.
Maximum files count: 100
Maximum number of files a single upload can contain.

The value is the base URL that should be used in the project bundler.

Here’s how it can be applied using Vite.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
  base: ''

Step 3: Deploy the Project

To deploy the project, Mate requires specifying a folder to be uploaded to the hosting service. The folder must only contain files that can be opened by the user's browser, so no source files or files for different purposes should be present in the directory.

Let’s assume the following conditions:

  • A project with ID 48 and token aabbccdd was created.
  • A folder named dist contains all the mini application built static assets.
  • It is required to deploy the static assets with the tag latest.

To deploy the project under these conditions, run the following command:

mate deploy upload \
  --dir dist \
  --token aabbccdd \
  --project 48 \
  --tag latest

Here’s the possible output:

✔ Fetched deploy information for paper-planes (id 48) project
i Assets base path (using tag "latest"):
i Allowed file extensions: html, css, js, cjs, mjs, png, jpg, jpeg, webp, ttf, woff, woff2, eot, json, ico
i Maximum upload size: 10485760 bytes
i Maximum files count: 100
✔ Directory compressed successfully from 24185 to 7168 bytes
✔ Archive uploaded successfully
📁 dist
╰ 📄 index.js (


The deployed directory must include only standard files and directories, excluding private ones (starting with the . symbol). All other types of files (such as symlinks) are forbidden. If found during the deployment process, the CLI tool will throw a corresponding error.

Using Config

To avoid repeatedly specifying parameters, Mate allows creating a special configuration with all the parameters included.

Here’s a complete config example with the parameters mentioned previously.

  projectId: 48
  directory: dist
  token: aabbccdd
  tag: latest

Then, the info and upload commands will retrieve the values from the configuration.

mate deploy info
mate deploy upload

If any parameter override is required, it should be specified in the command. For example, to override the tag option with the staging value, use the following command:

mate deploy info --tag staging

Released under the MIT License.