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React JS bindings for client SDK. Includes hooks, components and utilities for comfortable usage of React JS on the Telegram Mini Apps platform.


Before anything else, it is assumed that you have already installed the react package, as it is a peer dependency of this package.

pnpm i @telegram-apps/sdk-react
npm i @telegram-apps/sdk-react
yarn add @telegram-apps/sdk-react


SDKProvider is a component responsible for providing the SDK functionality. It accepts such properties as acceptCustomStyles: boolean and debug: boolean. Both of them are optional.

The acceptCustomStyles property is responsible for accepting custom styles from the web version of Telegram.

The debug property is responsible for enabling a debug mode.

import { SDKProvider } from '@telegram-apps/sdk-react';

 * Root component for the whole project.
export function Root() {
  return (
    <SDKProvider acceptCustomStyles debug>
      <div>My application!</div>


For better understanding, each component hook uses its own component-related init function. If the init function returns a non-promise value, the hook will instantly retrieve it. If the init function is asynchronous, the hook will return an undefined value while the component is still initializing. Then, it will be updated to the initialized value.

All component hooks in this package are divided into two parts:

  1. Retrieving the actual init function value. These hooks are non-suffixed, like useBackButton.
  2. Retrieving a meta item related to the init function value. These hooks include a suffix such as Raw, like useBackButtonRaw.

The first category of hooks returns the actual init function value. They throw an error if something goes wrong during component initialization.

The second category of hooks returns an object containing the initialization process information. Here is the object shape:

export interface SDKContextItem<T> {
   * This item execution result. The property may be missing
   * in case the execution is async.
  result?: T;
   * Function to clean up item side effects.
  cleanup?(): void;
   * An error occurred during execution.
  error?: unknown;

Using the second category of hooks, you can extract an error without throwing it.

Here is the complete usage example:

import {
} from '@telegram-apps/sdk-react';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

// BackButton initializes synchronously. So, bb will be 
// the BackButton instance.
const bb = useBackButton();

// Viewport is being initialized asynchronously, so signal may return undefined.
// After some time it will receive a valid value.
const vp = useViewport();

useEffect(() => {
  console.log(vp); // will be undefined and then Viewport instance.
}, [vp]);

const bm = useBiometryManagerRaw();

useEffect(() => {
  if (bm.error) {
    console.error('Something went wrong for BiometryManager', bm.error);
}, [bm]);


This package also supports SSR mode, widely used in popular frameworks like Next.js. When using package hooks on the server side, you must pass true as the first argument. This notifies the hook that server-side mode is enabled. Not specifying this value and calling the hook on the server side will lead to an error.

Server-side mode returns undefined for each component hook on the server side and also before the current component is mounted. This is required for persistence between trees rendered on the server and client sides.

import { useBackButton } from '@telegram-apps/sdk-react';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

function Component() {
  const bb = useBackButton(true); // will be undefined or BackButton.

  useEffect(() => {
    if (bb) {
      // Here we can safely work with the BackButton.
  }, [bb]);


All package Higher Order Components utilize the hooks described previously. The usage is rather simple:

import { withBackButton } from '@telegram-apps/sdk-react';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

const A = withBackButton('bb', false, ({ bb }) => {
  useEffect(() => {;
  }, [bb]);
  return null;

const B = withBackButton('bb', true, ({ bb }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    bb &&;
  }, [bb]);
  return null;

As the first argument, you must pass a value responsible for the component property name receiving a hook result. The second argument is SSR flag mode, which will be passed to the hook, used internally.

Hooks and HOCs List

Hook and HOC (Raw)Hook and HOC (Result)Returned value
useBackButtonRaw, withBackButtonRawuseBackButton, withBackButtonBackButton
useBiometryManagerRaw, withBiometryManagerRawuseBiometryManager, withBiometryManagerBiometryManager or undefined
useClosingBehaviorRaw, withClosingBehaviorRawuseClosingBehavior, withClosingBehaviorClosingBehavior
useCloudStorageRaw, withCloudStorageRawuseCloudStorage, withCloudStorageCloudStorage
useHapticFeedbackRaw, withHapticFeedbackRawuseHapticFeedback, withHapticFeedbackHapticFeedback
useInitDataRaw, withInitDataRawuseInitData, withInitDataInitData
useInvoiceRaw, withInvoiceRawuseInvoice, withInvoiceInvoice
useLaunchParamsLaunch params
useMainButtonRaw, withMainButtonRawuseMainButton, withMainButtonMainButton
useMiniAppRaw, withMiniAppRawuseMiniApp, withMiniAppMiniApp
usePopupRaw, withPopupRawusePopup, withPopupPopup
useQRScannerRaw, withQRScannerRawuseQRScanner, withQRScannerQRScanner
useSettingsButtonRaw, withSettingsButtonRawuseSettingsButton, withSettingsButtonSettingsButton
useSwipeBehaviorRaw, withSwipeBehaviorRawuseSwipeBehavior, withSwipeBehaviorSwipeBehavior
useThemeParamsRaw, withThemeParamsRawuseThemeParams, withThemeParamsThemeParams
useUtilsRaw, withUtilsRawuseUtils, withUtilsUtils
useViewportRaw, withViewportRawuseViewport, withViewportViewport or undefined


We have already created a template for React JS that utilizes the current package, so you can use it.

Released under the MIT License.